Resources for Adaptive Athletes
Steps in where rehabilitation and health insurance end by providing funding grants for adaptive sports equipment such as sports wheelchairs, handcycles, mono skis and sports prosthetics, and resources for training and competition expenses directly to physically challenged individuals.
The Empowerment Fund provides resources and inspiration to those who suffer a life-altering injury such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputation or other mobility-limiting injuries that occurred in an athlete’s lifetime. Grants are specific to four grant application areas.
IM ABLE Grants are awarded to disabled individuals, providing hand-cycles and other adaptive athletic gear, as well as instructional training programs for those in need. Our purpose is to unleash the potential in physically challenged children and adults to be more active, enjoy the benefits of physical fitness, and spend more time in the great outdoors.
Individual Grant Program awards grants to individuals with paralysis due to a spinal cord injury (SCI). The purpose of the individual grant program is to increase participation in adaptive sports and recreation activities and improve the quality of life for individuals living with SCI.
Triumph Foundation assists people with spinal cord injury (SCI) to get necessary equipment, supplies, and services for everyday living such as wheelchairs and adaptive equipment.
Resources for Veterans
Founded in 2007, The Independence Fund is committed to serving the Warfighter Community by providing innovative programs and services to support the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual independence of our servicemembers, combat Veterans, their Caregivers, families, and those Allies who served in combat alongside our troops, through innovative mobility and adaptive technologies and therapies for combat Veterans; suicide prevention; caregiver and family support; and Veteran advocacy with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, other government agencies, federal and state legislators, and other partners.
Provides relief for financial needs that arise during hospitalization and recovery as well as assistance for those with perpetuating needs in a variety of ways including Service Member and Family Support, Specialized & Adaptive Equipment, Adaptive Housing, Adaptive Transportation, Education and Career Transition Assistance, PTS and TBI Support, Team Semper Fi, and America’s Fund.
The Adaptive Sports Grant Program is facilitated and managed by the National Veterans Sports Programs and Special Events Office (NVSP&SE). The mission of the NVSP&SE office is to provide opportunities for Veterans to improve their independence, well-being, and quality of life through adaptive sports and therapeutic arts programs. See the website for application and eligibility.
Our mission is to assist veterans with the array of issues they may face, including obtaining proper disability compensation, financial assistance, information on the GI bill, and more. We have created some helpful guides and will continuously be adding more.
Adaptive Sports Grants
A list of funders and other helpful resources for equipment and financial support.